Horizon Europe Seminar, 04 December 2020
CPSBB, represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vessela Kazashka, Head of Administration, participated in an online seminar dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme on 4th of December 2020. The event was organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, and Burgas Free University.
Mrs. Karina Angelieva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, presented the “EU Framework Programs for Research and Innovation – from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe 2021 – 2027”. She underlined that Horizon Europe is the EU’s flagship initiative to support research and innovation – from concept to marketing as well as complementing national and regional financing.
Under the topic – “Expanding the participation and dissemination of excellence in Horizon Europe”, Mrs. Zlatina Karova, the National Coordinator of Horizon 2020, presented the Planta SYST project and the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology as an example of successful good practice and implementation being financed under Horizon 2020.