CPSBB participated in open demonstration field days orgnized by Enza Zaden/Opora Zaden Bulgaria And YARA/KVS Agro Bulgaria
Mr. Petar Kazakov, the marketing expert of CPSBB, participated in the open demonstration field days organized by Enza Zaden/Opora Zaden Bulgaria and YARA/KVS Agro Bulgaria from 10 to 12 June 2020. He had meetings with Mr. Nikolov, CEO of Enza Zaden Bulgaria and Mrs. Kirilova, Chief Manager of Yara Bulgaria, to discuss future cooperation in the field of vegetable breeding and plant protection. He presented the latest achievements of CPSBB and invited the companies to the International Conference of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology 2020 (ICPSBB 2020), organized by CPSBB.
Mr. Nikolov and Mrs. Kirilova were impressed by the scientific progress of CPSBB and expressed their will to participate in the upcoming ICPSBB 2020.